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Veterans​ ​of Chappell Hill ​​


They answered the call and left Chappell Hill

​To a country called France where many were killed


​With honor they served and dedication too

Believing in the colors of Red White and Blue


From the trenches they fought, enduring the gas

What dangers they faced so that freedom would last


Upon returning to this country with opportunities so few

Still proud of the colors Red White and Blue


Remember whether in war or peace all blood run red

But at home white was the color that was ahead


Still they tried not to focus on a reality so true
At times their hearts sank and their feelings were blue


We salute you dear veterans of World War ​I
From the country you fought for, and the town you came from


Generations may pass and time will sure fly
But the memory of our veterans, that will never die


You have not been forgotten and forever will live

In the hearts of the people of Ol’ Chappell Hill.


Written exclusively for the Chappell Hill Cultural Heritage Group by Lloyd Mays © 2018




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